Thursday, February 10, 2011

House Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing 2-10-11 Update

Interesting to watch the hearing and also the reports coming out of Egypt on Mubarak stepping down. Quite the juxtaposition. Rep. Pence did not seem to be aware of the immediate events when asking "if Mubarak would step down." We really need to ensure that congressmen are updated during their hearings so their time is well used in questioning the experts on panel.

Let's update the technology in these hearing rooms at the Capital. I know someone out there might be interested in a contract of that type. Go for it.

Also the streaming method being used is really antiquated. Speaker Boehner needs to seek a new contractor for "expanded" coverage of House committee meetings. It is really cumbersome to watch multiple hearings simultaneously with this bubblegum and baling wire system. (Heads up Google... get in there.)

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